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Staff receive nutrition training thanks to charitable funds

Pictured above (L-R): Emma Hughes and Tesni Fakes, Therapy Assistant Practitioners.


Thanks to generous donations, Hywel Dda Health Charities, the official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board, has funded nutrition training for two members of staff.

Emma Hughes and Tesni Fakes, who are both Therapy Assistant Practitioners, are part of the intermediate care team in Carmarthenshire that support patients in their own home following hospital discharge.

They attended the Nutrition and Nutritional Support virtual course in March.

Tesni said: “It was a very beneficial day to increase our understanding of our roles but also to expand our knowledge surrounding principles of nutrition. This supports us to provide more specific information and guidance to specific groups, for example diabetic patients, vegetarians, patients who struggle with depression.

“It was also a fantastic way to meet other practitioners in similar roles, to share our experiences and advice, which we both find to be very valuable.”

Nicola Llewelyn, Head of Hywel Dda Health Charities, the official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board, said: “The support of our local communities enables us to provide services over and above what the NHS can provide in the three counties of Hywel Dda and we are extremely grateful for every donation we receive.”

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