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Charity funds hospital garden renovations at Bronglais

Thanks to donations, Hywel Dda Health Charities, the official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board, has been able to fund the landscaping of the garden at the Older Adult Mental Health Unit in Bronglais Hospital.

The NHS charity funds paid for landscapers to create an accessible area for patients to enjoy with their loved ones.

Beccy Pateman, Ward Manager, said: "We are very grateful that charitable funds have enabled us to landscape Enlli Ward’s garden.

“Our patients will now be able to enjoy a safe and joyful space. The garden sits just off the carers’ lounge and in the past, carers have been able to bring dogs in to visit loved ones which we can now accommodate again.

“There’s an abundance of benefits that gardens bring to patients including direct sunlight which increases bone density, sleep cycles and moods; lower levels of agitation and aggression; decreased isolation; increased physical activity and increased social interaction.

“The garden will also become a place for our staff members to enjoy during their break times.”

Nicola Llewelyn, Head of Hywel Dda Health Charities, the official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board, said: “The support of our local communities enables us to provide services over and above what the NHS can provide in the three counties of Hywel Dda and we are extremely grateful for every donation we receive.”

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