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Newsreader runs Cardiff Half in support of intensive care unit

Peter Gillibrand, a reporter and newsreader from Cardiff, has raised £1,866 for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Glangwili Hospital.

Peter ran the Cardiff Half Marathon on 27th March 2022 dressed in a Welsh lady costume in support of his brother, Adam.

Peter and his family’s world was turned upside down when Adam was sent into intensive care with brain infections in January 2022.

Peter said: “The superheroes in Intensive Care saved my brother’s life. At times, there was only a glimmer of hope and times were dark. But it was the hardworking ICU staff that helped him survive by giving him 24/7 care as he was intubated for two months.

“It’s brilliant to be able to give back to the nurses that saved Adam. Now my family are happy and a really bad situation has turned into a positive one.”

Tammy Bowen, Senior Sister, said: “We as the ITU team would like to thank Peter Gillibrand for his kind and thoughtful donation. 

“We are hoping to use this money towards achieving our dreams of building and ITU garden that patients and family members will be able to enjoy.”

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